Ojo Rojo opening hours
Ojo Rojo opening hours refer to the times the venue is open, drinks only after kitchen closes:
Tues-Thurs: 5pm - 11pm (Kitchen closes at 9.30pm)
Fri: 5pm - 1am (Kitchen closes at 10pm)
Sat: 12 noon - 1am (Kitchen closes at 10pm)
Sun: 12 noon - 10pm (Kitchen closes at 9.30pm)
hacienda opening hours
Hacienda opening hours represent the times you can book a table in our outdoor area:
(Hacienda is closed until the Spring)
Wed-Thurs: 5pm - 11pm*
*Tables available to book, but bar service is from the bar in Ojo Rojo, inside.
Friday: 5pm - 11pm
Saturday: 12 noon - 11pm
Sun: 12 noon - 11pm